5 min journal & Protection

5 min journal & Protection


I recieved one of my new journals yesterday that I'm super excited about. This is the year of the journal for me I suppose. It is the 5 Minute Journal (a gratitude journal) that you visit twice a day and write positive things in, example page below. It is a journal you can start any time of year because you add the date in. It's supposed to get you in a more postive mindset over time.

I have taken a little break from the tarot writual planner. I have concluded that I don't think tarot is a daily thing for me, as it seems to get very repetitive no matter how much I clear the energy.  I may not get it again, I've not decided yet. If I do it will be the one card planner not three. I do love the moon writuals parts of the planner though, but I don’t need it...I'm perfectly capable to log in a blank journal next time with more creativity. Speaking of blank journal, the other journal coming is just a peter pauper press one, I'm using to log dreams, to doodle and scrapbook in and track misc other things in.

I also recieved my newest ring, yesterday. Moon rituals 'Protect', there is only one more ring avaliable I don't have. Which is that size 6 'Restore'...hmm well, I do fit my other size 6 I should get it. 😆

So, Instagram seems to be only halfway working for me today. What is going on? Who broke it! I can't see any stories at all, so it looks like I don’t follow anyone, and my feed won't refresh, but I can post, but no one has seen my post 🤨.  O'well I'm sure it will be back up soon. It doesn't make me feel an urge to see what facebook is doing. I'm good. I'll just focus on a second blog post today, some journaling, some art, etc. Happy Friday! I'll be back in a bit with more...