About Yesterday…
After Dark

About Yesterday…


Good Morning, it’s beginning to really feel like fall now. Yesterday the energy of the whole day was very off and heavy.

I woke up to a huge thunderstorm which I enjoyed but it was unusual that it happened, the whole day was dark and overcast when it’s usually really sunny. Then I pulled that Oracle card for the collective that felt kinda of icky, not going to lie, but I posted it nonetheless, I figured maybe someone needed to hear it. Next I got a phone call at 3:33pm from my mom, that was a bit negative borderline hysterical all about irrelevant 3D hypothetical stuff I do not get wound up about, which triggers her when I don’t feed that energy. During the call a hawk flew into the yard and killed a bird and ate it infront of me on the privacy wall, which I didn’t mention. Then towards the end of this call she was having trouble hearing me, I guess, she kept asking if I was still there and I kept saying, ‘yeah I’m here’, then she said I’m going to go because I’m having trouble hearing, so I was let go and then I lost battery which never happens. I went to the bathroom and came back to a hailstorm happening outside.

Lastly, after that I started to type this out on my iPad, and the notes app kept just closing out on me. I had Panda Express for dinner and my fortune was funny because it was about pretty much the reverse of the feeling of the day. Made me laugh, well I hadn‘t even created that reality 4th dimensionally yet so I can’t see that happening anytime soon 🤣. None of the day had a lasting affect on me, I was just observant. I ended the night with making the feature art above with a song I love, transmute that energy 💪🏻.


Today seems fine so far, it‘s cold but sunny. Really good sleep, I made some private meditation playlists for am, mid pm, and before bed for myself this morning so I can just play them in the background of my day.

I listened to my AM one, now it’s already lunchtime I’m reheating leftovers. I am writing down some notes on a Magnesium complex I ran into. I think I’ll be trying it when my current Magnesium is out. This one has seven types in one capsule, right now I’m taking only Sucrosomal which is very good, but I want some other benefits here. I am healing, it is so slow but I can still tell, my skin is the sign. It is getting so clear and glowy, also the sweat 😅. Oh yeah about that I no longer like the smell of this aluminum free deodorant I’m using with my body chemistry 😩 back on the old one. For now. Alright I’m going to eat. I hope all is well out there. Bye for now.

Wild Magnesium Complex