Angel portals 4:4 & 8:8
Higher ground

Angel portals 4:4 & 8:8


Good morning. It’s another portal day, thought I’d share the news. I’m feeling so much better physically today than yesterday which I’m grateful. Root chakra overnight!

“Many people will wake up to their personal truth this morning” Alejandrez-Presad

The message with Venus and Mars in Pisces is to remember the most important relationship we have is with ourselves. We should plan to focus on that before nurturing others today. The Pisces stellium arrives with the sun and north node in Aries, giving you fiery energy to make courageous decisions from both your heart and from the soul. Important to stay grounded today in this high energy. Think before you speak and act. Treat others with compassion. There will be a hint of positive forward momentum, although manifestion won’t happen overnight. What is planted today is certain to bloom in divine timing. The message from your angels/spirit guides is not to worry about how or when, just trust it will.

This date (2+0+2+4=8) also opens Lionsgate/ lucky 8:8 portal, which is the abundance portal. So you have the opportunity on this day to manifest prosperity, success, and balance.

It’s okay to take time to yourself today, reflect in self improvement work ethic, self care, and habits. If you cannot take time to yourself, think about how you and a group of friends can help you and each other grow into new and improved versions.

Today‘s channeled song…