Angelic healing
’At the Stargate’

Angelic healing


Wow! Good morning, what an amazing nights sleep. I was exhausted last night I went to bed at 8:45pm! Woke up so refreshed, best sleep this month so far, my body feels sooo good! I feel like I could do anything. Highly recommend the Angelic healing video below for sleeping or just while doing other things.

Yesterday I started this new magnesium I spoke about a few posts ago. I guess it could’ve been a contributing factor to my good sleep, but I took it in the AM with my B vitamins. Perhaps it is time released slowly throughout the day, I will have to find out. I am hoping this helps my absorption of nutrients even more than the last magnesium. I took 150mgs yesterday which is one pill. I’m not going to take 450mg that is pretty high IMO, I have three of the old magnesium pills 110mg which I’ll add next week to use up, then take two of this brand after that (300mg) which is two pills a day.

Today I’m looking to pick a nail polish or two to keep out for two more manicures and just pack in my overnight bag. Then try and pack up just any decor still on surfaces I haven’t packed my mantle decorations yet or skull fairies. Going to start a new candle today so I don’t have to pack it, lol. So I need to pick which one. Cut Chimmie’s nails because they are long AF! Keep forgetting and they grow SO fast! Hit send on my amazon order. One thing I decided to get from Amazon are these wire label/clip things for all these charging cables, so I don’t have to wonder, “what’s this one for…and that one”…which can be a challenge. I’ll show them in a later post, in more detail.

So, is everyone all decorated and ready for the yuletide festivities 😂? I tried the gingerbread cookie at Twisted sugar this weekend, it tasted pretty festive.

Ooh I got a veggie crust pizza for lunch 🤤, it’s cauliflower. I haven’t had any regular crust pizza since maybe August? Had one gluten free crust one around Halloween from Dominos, it was okay but I like these freezer ones better actually. I usually throw extra stuff on it if I have it, today it will be sun dried tomatoes I need to finish and some tiny mozzarella balls that I thought I would snack eat but never did so they gotta go too.

Alright I’m off to try and accomplish some of this stuff while my energy is hiiigh. Have a great day

Many hours later: The manicure and the pizza