


I can’t get motivated today, woke up at 3am from some dreams that I don’t remember. I remember a feeling of anxiousness, I know I said I was calm while awake, but I suppose the Anxiety is being worked through while sleeping. I was sleeping on my back which also, I had to turnover. I cannot go to sleep on my back, but I do wake up that way sometimes. Then my mind just started racing because I have much to do, and I forgot to charge my phone before bed so it died at 4:45am so I just got up. I’m trying to stay calm but it does feel like my blood pressure is higher. I guess you just can’t lie to your body, currently listening to soothing rain sounds.

So, I am here to write for a minute, to soothe that while I gather my thoughts. I am going to clean and pack up all my nail stamps after this. I still have my Halloween manicure on, and it still looks good! But I will change it out today, that is one good thing about abstract negative space nails they grow out looking really good, eventually if they grow enough it will look like there is just design on the tips. I’ll probably do the same type of manicure today. Also probably pack my vanity things. I really don’t have much in it since I stopped collecting makeup.

Everything is pretty smooth so far with pitching and packing, I have to get serious about finding a place 😱 though. I’ve just briefly scrolled through Zillow, spent a bit of time on youtube snatching videos on what you need to know before moving here type videos. That might be egging me on, I should do some breath work. I can’t believe there is only 15 days left of the month! Alright, lol, this isn’t helping me so I’m gonna go meditate and then start packing again. Happy Wednesday!