Are you grounded?
"I'm rooted, but I flow" -Virginia Woolf 

Are you grounded?


Good morning, I decided to take a day off of posting here and elsewhere yesterday. I did some art but didn’t take the day too seriously, I didn’t feel like I wanted to be productive just for the sake of being busy. I am getting way from that energy. Yesterday I was feeling weighed down so very much, a self-care clearing day, Himalayan sea salt does wonders for the body either to wash with or ingest, to cleanse and remineralize your body. I started my other vitamins I had talked about and made a little chart 🤣 for myself on what I have researched to alleviate the Mthfr symptoms and aid my liver. A few things I listed I do not have yet, like almonds, glutathione, hemp, magnesium and vitamin C, and the iodine. But the bulk of it I have.

Last night was AMAZING sleep, called my energy back and I decided to try just listening to a root chakra sleep frequency. WOW, I woke up feeling so light and restored, no aches, not even my knee, no swelling at all! I think I may have found it! That is the holy grail of sleep sounds, in fact I’m still playing it in the background while I write this 🤣. Chimmie is sleeping, drooling a little on my lap blanket so she approves too. A gross little fact about me, I drool a lot when I sleep, but we are supposed to if going through all the stages of sleep, thats how you measure if it was a good night. 😂😂😂.

I’ll try it for the next few days to see if it continues. It is now almost 9 AM, I’ve been awake for 4 hours and still feel really amazing. So grateful to have found it, and thought about it for overnight. Yes it’s important to ground ourselves while awake, but how many of us stay grounded as we sleep which is when the body does all its magical restoration? Think about it. Unless you are someone who sleeps outside on the bare ground naked you’re not grounded, lol. We aren’t supposed to be so far removed from the Earth in these rubber shoes and layers of clothes. We are the only species that purposely separates ourselves from the Earth's vibration, and our physical body and mind deteriorates. Anyways, linking the root chakra sleep below 👇🏻 check it out on YouTube if you like.

I should be getting all my crystals today, so I could maybe come back and do an unboxing. Still no nail polish, there was a shipping delay, I think they had to resupply inventory due to a successful sale day. O’well, very soon I’m sure.

Oh yeah, you guys 🥰 I found "Mouse and his Child" on youtube in its entirety, I saved it to my watch later list. I'm so excited to see it again! I'll link it below also they do not make deep meaningful animated shows like this anymore. It is worth the time.

🥲 yay!

I'm going to go for now, check back later for a crystal show and tell. If they get here today. ❤