Art Dump Tuesday

Art Dump Tuesday


…and so it goes. Tuesday again, good morning, chilly morning today it’s going to be of those layering days. Long sleeve shirt over short sleeve shirt…now I’m hot takes off long sleeve shirt, now I’m cold puts long sleeve shirt back on, you know what I’m mean? It’s a southern dilemma.

Anywho, do I have anything I’ve not shown already? Let’s see, if not I’ll do a past type post.

Hmm, nope I don’t have anything new I can show right now. I’ll just add a few pics from the 90’s with a little story time, will that suffice? I apologize, I’ve been distracted and resting, er not resting, my body it’s going through something, metamorphosis 😂

I think this is really all I have photos of from art class in high school. I was passionate about art but, I could have tried harder in hindsight it was the only reason I went to school at all 😂. I was burnt out! People who knew me from school may have remembered me by art, and have seen these photos before. The oil pastel was not a subject or medium I was into I slopped through it for a grade yet someone bought it! lol. To this day it baffles me. Clay wasn’t my thing either, this next piece was really just creating textures with two different colored clays. Don’t ask what it is I have no clue. Then below we have a thrown pot, probably my least favorite clay type of art to make, it was too messy and boring. I used to just give all my stuff away at the end of the year every year, one of my classmates showed me this pic of one of my creations, that they still own. I think this must have been freshman or sophomore year. I remember people just coming coming up to me and be like, “can I have that?” Lol. I would be like “this?” ok. One less thing I have to carry home.

Then on to my Art IV senior project which is the last picture where I’m making a mold of my face. It was my whole second semester grade. It was a death mask, of my actual face which I needed my Art Teachers assistance obviously. That was a lot of trust I put in him lol, I remember a Vaseline layer so it didn’t pull my eyes out cotton balls up my nose and a straw in my mouth to breathe 😳. The swim cap so my hair wasn’t pulled out. Then I think a hairdryer was used to quicken the drying process, I didn’t panic but I did have a feeling of being buried alive not gonna lie, he kept asking me if I was doing ok and I was giving hand signals cause I couldn’t move my mouth. The end result was very disturbing to see, it was very detailed you could even see my eyelashes. I wish I had atleast taken a photo of it. It was nailed to a piece of wood and I piled up spikey clay around my face to make flames and then spray painted it red and orange and yellow. I did take it home and put it in my closet because it was hard to look at myself like that. Eventually I must have thrown it out but I don’t remember doing it. I also remember keeping a clay turtle I made for many years but I broke it eventually.

That is all I got, hope it was interesting to somebody.