Art Dump Tuesday
‘She’s a Dragon 🐉’

Art Dump Tuesday


Good Morning,

The past few days I have been so tired by 9 o’clock I barely make it to bed without falling asleep for a second in the living room. Anyone else? Must be the early afternoon darkness. Yesterday I got up early at exactly 4:30am because Chimmie was running around the house and ran up my side of the bed and licked my face. She was happy and hungry 🙄. Dogs lick their parent dogs faces and your face when they are hungry, they want you to throw up a snack for them. I didn’t have a snack to throw up, but luckily for her I did find her carrots and broccoli and her crunchies. The last few days I have been giving her a 1/4 tsp of coconut cream because her skin is dry, and that should be satiating, but seems like she’s hungrier now. Oh yeah and because I have boxes out and some kitchen counter chaos happening she’s barking a lot. lol! Remember how I said she only usually barks at kitchen counter clutter, she‘s having a field day with it.

Okay, so onto the art dump. For the most part I’ve been perfecting these revamped photos, like last week. I did work on my take of a biblical ’cherubim’ which was a bonus post this week. I came up with after making myself a fire tornado, which then turned into a new golden dragon (inspo from song gold dust woman) art to go with year of the dragon, then finally a cherubim. I used motionleap to do some magic to my art with motion which adds symmetry and it created more faces then just the four I put in, there are two masculine faces in the fire on opposite sides of mine that are not symmetrical, in an alternate close up. One is facing forward and the other looks like a side profile with a horn and mouth open. I did not put in there 😱 motionleap did it, I’m fascinated so I’ll show that as well. I hope it is interesting. Some of this will only be seen here, and it has been seen here first! I’ll start with the gradiation of and evolution of the fire tornado to the cherubim.

Have a great day, I do have many more of these to post so even if there’s nothing else there will be that.