Art Dump Tuesday
Still from my animated video, 'Strong Enough'

Art Dump Tuesday

Good morning! Such a great night of sleep AGAIN! What is happening?  I hope it continues. Yesterday I spent most of the day working on this animation I named 'Strong Enough'.  I couldn't resist putting it up on IG yesterday. It has SO many stills,  that I had to go back to watermark with my name.  It is the most effort I've put into animation yet and I'm super happy with it. I wanted to post it yesterday so I could add the song "Is Your Love Strong Enough, by Bryan Ferry/Roxy music" to see how it flowed, but all IG had was a jazzy tribute. It is one of my favorite songs and on one of my favorite movies Legend (the Ridley Scott movie).  I went to the theater to see it when it came out 1985, with my mom and I was only 5, and I still remember that! So...I have made two versions, one with the jazzy tribute at about 59 seconds, and one with the original, at 1m 11secs. I don’t think I should post the original though for copywrite concern of the song. O'well. I'll just keep it for my personal use.

The animation is my idea of tranforming or shapeshifting into a goat. So in the beginning I'm in my normal human form and then you see double as I start to change where my eye turns red and I have a more sinister grin and I merge into a three eyed goat. Then, I am the goat for a few seconds and start to shift back to human at the end kind of in an embracing of my beast as we remain together but separate. Atleast that is what I was trying to express. Other interpretations could be vastly different, I'm sure. It's kind of my version of Lily from the movie, going from Princess to her dark version, as I always wanted to be dark Lily 😈.

This did take me most of the week making the stills so I only have a few others. they are all seen here first though. I haven't animated them but I could eventually. Enjoy the gallery.

but first...the lyrics of "Loved by the Sun", from Tangerine Dream...because I can't leave this one out!

"I have seen the Mystics blather,

once or twice but I knew they had a reason

Enchantment plays its card all right

Hand in hand with the workings of the seasons

Legends can be now and forever

teaching us to love for goodness sake

Legends can be now and forever

Loved by the sun, loved by the sun


Two and two go so close together

Whether there is hope that is torn apart

In the words of all that is singing

Hand and hand the beginning is at the start

Legends can be now and forever

teaching us to love for goodness sake

Legends can be now and forever

Loved by the sun, loved by the sun


Who sings of all of love’s eternity?

Who shines so bright

In all the songs of loves unending spells?

Only lightning strikes all that is evil

Teaching us to love for goodness sake

Hear the music of love eternal

Teaching us to reach for goodness sake

Legends can be now and forever

Teaching us to love for goodness sake

Sweet songs of youth, the wise, the meeting of all wisdom

Sweet songs of youth, the wise, the meeting of all wisdom

Sweet songs of youth, the wise, the meeting of all wisdom

Sweet songs of youth, the wise, the meeting of all wisdom

To believe in the good in man

To believe in the good in man

To believe in the good in man

To believe in the good in man"

Songwriters: Christopher G. Franke, Edgar Willmer Froese, Johannes Schmoelling, Jon Anderson

Loved by the Sun lyrics Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner Chappell Music, Inc

The second gallery is all of my lenseball art I created mostly in 2021. I really should take it somewhere and create more, lol.

C-ya next Tuesday for more art!