Art Dump Tuesday
A cut clip from 'Between Worlds' animation, see it on IG

Art Dump Tuesday

Good morning!☀️ I have been quite artsy this week! I seem to have tapped into my limitless supply of energy, lol! Or it could be the vitamins…hard to tell. Anyways, let’s get into an explanation.

This week I’ve created two animations ‘Manifesting Generator’ which I deemed my higher calling super power. Which is ironic considering how zapped I usually feel in my 3D existence.  As of late, I just have felt super ⚡️charged and needed to express it in a way that makes sense to me. The layers of faces with my animation are my layers of self in multiple dimensions coming into alignment to generate energy as one. The two faces facing in opposite directions part with the heartbeat and pinkish light is my inner higher self  feminine+masculine energy at the heart chakra. So…yeah that’s what I tried to show. I’m sure it doesn’t make sense to everyone.  Manifesting generator is a type of light energy worker.

The second one is ‘Between Worlds’, I LOVE mermaid art, always have, here we have a slight twist, with darker seawitchy vibes. This is my sea goat mermaid, based on the zodiac sign of Capricorn which is my sun sign.  So she is part fish and part goat which makes her belonging to both land and sea, hence the title chosen.  She has the witchy shapeshifting ability to become human at a whim, then return to the sea as she wishes. Below is a small quote I made up to go with the art.

"Makes no difference be it land or sea, both worlds belong to me"

There are some exclusive cut clips here, as well as alternate versions too, such as black and white. Also a few non related works. As always if you’d like to see the videos, head over to my IG account, link on my home page.

Now on to the 2nd gallery for you today. Thanks for checking it out.

I hope this was a fun dive into my brain pool... Hopefully I'll have lots of new stuff next week. I decided to skip the blast from the past art today since I posted 2 galleries. Take care