Art Dump Tuesday
Chimmie says hello! ☺

Art Dump Tuesday

I need a way to not hate Tuesdays so I might start this series 'Art Dump Tuesday' 😂 how's that in a name? I like it. I figured I would come here and throw up some stills of recent animations I've created.  I'm still recovering from being sick, I'm still really weak especially skeletal muscle, on top of already weak skeletal muscle in upper back and arms.  Ugh! O'well trying my best to live a normal life. Good thing I'm creative so I don't die of boredom. Fun fact is I'm rarely bored, I always have something to do or could be doing.  Usually I feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to do everything I want to, so I'm quite opposite of a bored person. Even in meditation,  being still,  and in the moment is not at all boring to me.  Is that weird? I don't know, but I don't care much either if it is. I do spend a lot of time in fantasy land so here is some stuff I've been creating. Enjoy! Please sign up for a subscription (it's free) if you'd like to leave me a comment or suggestion. This is a kind of journal or diary for me I'm pretty consistent in posting for myself foremost and then hopefully for you as well. Have an awesome Art Dump Tuesday! 🤣