Monday 😵 ASC 🤒
Relax 🧘🏻‍♀️

Monday 😵 ASC 🤒


Incase you feel alone and confused…it’s happening now, don’t resist or your recovery time will be longer. Ascension flu symptoms I am experiencing as of yesterday. All right side issues: sinus pressure, eye watering/blurred vision, knee ache, tired arm 😞. Also a full body annoying skin itch including both ears, and food taste was off yesterday But appetite hasn’t been affected. I’m trying to rest and recover, please rest if you are feeling tired, I can only do so much. I’ll be meditating asap. Coconut cream seems to be a good addition to my routine for the brain, replenishing potassium, iron, folate, biotin, magnesium, selenium and good fat. Salt water soaking of any kind is good...relax. Everything is good, it is the finale of the collective upgrades. Your body will be stronger next year. Stay hydrated! I’m making a play list on YouTube to help in the meantime listen to these.

I have a different post to share tomorrow in lieu of Art dump Tuesday but it is an art post, and it is also a holiday…what holiday pray tell? Can you guess? I’ll show here first and probably show on IG afterwards. I spent some time this weekend creating it on and off as I took breaks from physical exertion. I’m off to meditate, eat toast, vitamins...etc.

How the above pic looks in my blurry eye