Easter Sunday,

Easter Sunday,


Oh man, I started to have jaw pain yesterday afternoon. I was not grinding my teeth or holding tension there that I could tell. So I figured I’d try sitting in the higher frequencies for an hour and it worked, and I was in daze the rest of the afternoon, lol. It was really nice actually, and I couldn't stop smiling…see 👇🏻

Yesterday’s annual ham sandwhich

By nightfall I had a burst of creativity inspired by the oracle reading the other day. I had a very specific idea of what I wanted to make so I just zoned in on it and now there is a shaman and a threshold and, as the night grew into the wee hours of this morning I finished a king! Granted he looks kinda like the king of pop to me…but I just cannot do anything more to him unless I changed his entire face, so it is what it is. Even looks like something he’d wear…hee hee o'well. 😂

I also added a mask from the day I created directly after the reading. I guess I should just keep going with the vision and I’ll be well on my way to creating my own archetypes deck, lol. Someday I will make a deck, I’m not really ready to dive back into that just yet. I also have a Queen that I added to the end of the Oracle card video. I’ll add that to yesterday’s blog post as well. Go look if interested.

I’m not as tired this morning as I figured I’d be, stayed up until 2am 😵‍💫. I might work on more digital art, probably watch zombie movies. It’s kind of self care for me. Making grilled cheese, all I have is Swiss but I think it will be good just throw in some pickles and onion inside and side of Pacific brand red pepper tomato bisque soup. Perfect!

Made this coffee cake yesterday, a gluten free one and it just was ugly and all the sugar and cinnamon fell to the bottom…like it just sunk. I don’t think it’s supposed to do that, tastes ok.

My ugly cake, lol

Have a Hop Hoppy Easter, I don’t really do anything for it, so not sure yet what I may get up to…I checked my front door for a basket…got nothing. I think it means I’ve been bad this year or something. I haven’t seen the yard bunny, he must be really busy delivering baskets. 😂😂😂

Here’s a manicure from a previous Easter, I didn’t create one this year. This editor program of the blog just changed ‘previous’ to ‘devious’ and I changed it back. Thats funny 😈.

Many hours later…I made the soup. The sandwhich looks burnt but it wasn’t. Very good…now for the soup scrying, lol. Hmm. What do we see?

Recommend 👇🏻!!