Friday! šŸ„±

Friday! šŸ„±


Good morning. The full moon kept me awake I suppose. I fell asleep sometime after 1am, and was awoken at 4:30am because thatā€™s just when Chimmie starts getting up and she wants pet, but more of a plea to be fed, I did pet her, but I fell back asleep until 6:15am. So here I amā€¦awake again kind of.

Well, I guess Iā€™ll definitely have an art dump Tuesday ready, I made some stuff including the pic above ā˜šŸ». Still swollen in the feet and lower legs I cannot wait to get these socks I ordered. My other compression things are not working for me right now because Iā€™m too swollen šŸ«¤, unfortunately but regular socks are okay it seems. They are even slightly compressing at the moment. When I flex my toes they have white bands round them as if there are completely bloodless spots. Ugh!! But on the bright side my big toe toenail looks surprisingly good, I think it will be better soon šŸ„“ šŸ¤žšŸ».

Looking forward to get some of the stuff out of the apartment and into storage early next month. So everything can get organized up in here. Trying to not be driven crazy from the mess right now. I think it will be good here after that.

Look what I found here in Kansas, šŸ˜± yay! I put this on everything, well almost. I need a sriracha sweatshirt. Also korean samyang buldak noodles in store! Daveā€™s hot sauces as well, I picked up Daveā€™s ghost. Thereā€™s also some kimchi I need to pickup. My favorite newest condiment find is Melindas habanero honey mustard. So good!

I tried Qdobas. I never had it before and I love it, it is better than Chipotle to me but very similar. All the food I have had here has been really good. I was pretty limited in NM in the food dept. it got real boring.

Well, I think thatā€™s it right now. Going to jot down what I need this weekend and get it. Iā€˜ll probably be back tomorrow to post but incase Iā€™m not, Have a great weekend and take care!