Friday and Earthquakes
A flashback Friday from two years ago, still funny

Friday and Earthquakes


It’s Friday and I am here, with a finished manicure. Pretty right? It is Coronation from Cirque Colors, one of their most loved shades. I have the first reissue bottle from a few years back. They have brought it back a few times and it sells out in one day! purple is my fave on the nails, I have more purple than any other polish color.


Currently drinking my daily pineapple juice, thinking about lunch soon. Last night I had the fish plate from the fish truck that comes to town once a month. I know it doesn’t look that spectacular but it tastes good.

Last nights dinner from the fish truck

Yesterday I was offered a lucky dragon ring for only a few dollars, so I snatched it up. Will be here Monday or Tuesday.

I’m getting the stamping plate Monday as well, with a roller and I bought a small pack of acrylic paints to try. All I had previously is one matte black acrylic and some acrylic shimmers so this should work for a while to have a variety. This pack comes with two small canvas, brushes, a cute little mixing palette and a bucket.

Here is a flashback to my nasty couch I spoke about, this was delivery day so I was happy for a few months, lol.

I just saw that the US is having earthquakes on the East coast. Wow. What is happening? Oh yeah the eclipses. Right. Hope everyone is safe is New Jersey and NY. Alright I’m outta here for now I have lots of body tlc stuff to tend to. Have good one!