Full 🦫🌕 in ♊️ reading
Used all of my unpacked crystals today in the reading

Full 🦫🌕 in ♊️ reading


I meditated on the cards, and cleared the energy of the room with sage, called in spirit with bells on my card clearing feather. I played 852Hz to open the portal to my higher self because that is where the clarity comes from. An air moon cuts through the mental fog to illuminate the truth you need to know right now that was previously hidden. Whatever that is for you. Let’s get into the pics. Talk more below gallery.

So good morning! Feeling much lighter today. It was so nice to slowly emerge into my oracle and tarot cards today. I have missed it! It showed too, my crow oracle deck is still quite shy, it took them literally five minutes to reveal what the collective needed to know today 🤣. Tarot was super excited to talk to me, each of the cards flew out the second I finished asking my questions 🤣, a king even flew in my lap 👀! You can interpret that however, if you sit with it you can see the layers of meaning.

So other things that happened during the reading, I had a cluster of little tiny birds right above the sliding glass doors, unsure if they were chasing each other or trying to scope a spot to build a nest. Either way that was pretty unusual. I’ll take that as four of swords because there were four of them, which reminds me we are to work on grounding this week and rest when I can, root chakra. Due to things changing up quickly you might feel like you can’t keep up with the changes, but that is an illusion. Get into your abundance frequency because things are coming in for you. Also my fire and ice quartz jumped off the end of my obsidian triskel twice! It jumps and falls off things all the time, especially if you’ve just moved it to a different surface, that is high vibe🤣. The energy it holds is something else, it needs charged by sunlight often. I highly recommend getting one to carry around with you for energy, or buy or make some jewelry with it. I like to set it next to Edgar because he protects me and I wrapped him in silver because I want to protect him too and give him unlimited energy for the task. Don’t worry he can still fly, it’s armor, not chains. Things aren’t always what they seem, change perspective. See, crystals are more than meets the eye...

As always take what resonates and leave the rest, the oracle is for all of you (in notes section) including myself too, I’m not above the messages. However the tarot is mine, and painfully honest in ways, but it progresses nicely. I have had upper back weakness especially right shoulder so I’ll be focusing on massaging it in a little while. Oh no, am I a broken winged bird. What poem is that? Also while doing the tarot I heard, ‘the wood is lovely dark and deep, but miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. I know that is a poem, but I’m not sure if those are the exact words, those are just what I heard. Ah yes, I know I have many miles to go this is true.

I’m too tired to write out all of the crystals today, but they have all participated before. I hope this reading brings you clarity and focus to what’s been hidden and what needs work in your own lives until the new moon in Saggitarius. So much love and have a great day.