Full 🍓 Moon in  ♐️
'Full Moon Creatures'

Full 🍓 Moon in ♐️

My writual planner spread for the full moon

Good afternoon, as previoulsy mentioned, I have decided to make this blog post for the full moon. Above are the cards that wanted to come out for me. My tarot deck is pretty well loved, it is the only one I have. I have no problem getting the answers to questions, they quickly jump out of the deck. If for some reason they don't, I'll cleanse the deck and reshuffle. It's my preferred way to pull cards.

I'll show the pages of my planner before and after, probably just this one time. I'm sitting here after a full busy morning, now listening to some binuaral beats writing this. I will probably try to create some art, mostly a chill night. I feel accomplished today even though there is more on my to do list for tomorrow. I had four sales at my Mercari store this week! That is the most ever. Its not much money but it is something, especailly when I'm selling stuff I don't want.  I have cut back alot on subscriptions and stuff that I'm not really using right now to save little so that money actually adds up. Still coming to terms with stuff I'm not interested in much anymore like buying makeup. It's time to go through it again to see whats good still. I haven't worn any in 2 or 3 months! I need to throw some more books up for sale and shoes. I have a coat that I've never needed that could go too, I bought it when I was in MI in the spring because it was on sale, (and not cold) and then summer came and I moved to NM so I never wore it 🙄...ever. Story of my life. Heres the pics...

First full week of the new vitamin. I have not had any niacin flush surprisingly but my skin does feel a bit drier. It could be that time of year though, and nothing to do with it. Humidity has been really low it's fire season until July. I have been reheating food a lot in the microwave too, which I guess dries out skin also. Anyone else hear of that?

Well, I am off to do something else for now. Enjoy the full moon release.