Giving Thanks
Got a new hat so I changed this feature photo, I know, no makeup face is different

Giving Thanks

First of all, who has a 35lb cat 😳? Second, if you allow 1 cat what does it matter how much he weighs that just sounds judgmental and irrelevant 😂


Stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving a day early. I hope you have a wonderful day, whatever you celebrate, and if you don’t celebrate then just have an awesome regular day 😂 to each their own. Thank you for joining me here, following my weirdness and such, it’s a pleasure.

I have found a place…I think. I am having a virtual tour Monday, and if that goes okay then I will be done with that. There are pros and cons, I think the pros out way the cons unless something sways me after seeing it virtually, from the photos it looks nice but small, and there wasn’t any dimensions listed in the ad. If very small I’ll have to part with a couch and an old treadmill, and there’s no yard so my plants will be permanent inside plants I guess. All my yard decor will have to go in storage, which the place has a lot of. It’s a temporary thing, it’s so hard to get what you want when you don’t already live in the state. Moving in and out of there should be easy though the streets are flat and wide.

Last night I was passing out at 8pm! No joke, maybe I’m already on central time 😂. I lucked out with this place, only allowed 1 cat up to 35 lbs. so I had to get special permission for a 13lb dog. First of all, who has a 35lb cat 😳? Second, if you allow 1 cat what does it matter how much he weighs that just sounds judgmental and irrelevant 😂.

Anyways, things are moving. Thats all I got until tomorrow or Friday.