Happy Halloween
Will they get a face or put in a pie? I’ve not decided

Happy Halloween


…and Happy Samhain, and Happy Chīmalmā B-Day.

Good morning, didn’t wake up until almost 6! I am so loving this body healing shit, it takes a lot of sleep though. I washed my hair this morning Chimmie got a bath today not only for her birthday but her skin is a bit drier than usual (the season change) and has been itchy on her back. The plants are in, I put most of them around the garden bathtub that is not useable the most light comes through in window there. Then these two plants are in here. I might need to get them little plant stands with wheels and a UV light. I have a kimono dragon wood carving outside on the patio…pretty cool, he’s been out there all summer but probably been hard to see, I got it at Coastland center mall ages ago.

I may have something not as good for me today, I really want a donut. But I’m going to make veggie crust pizza tonight that will even it out. I seem to have waited to do everything today for the costume. Going to do my nails after makeup because if for some reason I run out of time that is the least big of deal to me, I did trim them to kitten points yesterday. Am I going to be a kitten? 🤣 Nope. I’ll post again tonight after I get some photos. I am still putting the pieces together in my head right now. I’m going to have lunch first before even getting stuff out. I think it will be pretty cool and probably hard to guess what it is I’m becoming before hand. Soon!

Have a good one! Be safe.