Happy Mother’s Day
I have a new plant baby 🥰 her names is Vera (Veerah!)😂

Happy Mother’s Day

Aloe all, I hope everyone had a great day. I spoke to my mom on the phone, since I live 1700mi away its all I could do. She liked her gift as well.

I have a new plant baby as you see above, also I have a new pot for it. When I repot I'll post another pic, I'm sure its going to get big fast. The flowers are doing good too, especially the cosmos. It rained overnight last night, the first in a longtime, but they were watered already so they were moved back under the overhang.  I had a really good night of sleep too.

I also have this super cute tile, I've wanted it for awhile. Little Devil. She's sassy.

Today is the end of Mercury Retrograde, so that starts the week in a forward DIRECTion, but not in a sprint more of a walk.  I have felt very restored in my body and appreciate the slowdown this week, and collectively I feel others have soaked up a few days of rest and relaxed tending to their self-care and bodies in general, and doing soul work. Still another week before Gemini season, which can be social but still not fast paced in May.

Strawberry shortcake I made yesterday

Here is a little writing I found, I don't know who wrote it but I look back on it from time to time...when I feel impatient in needing to know things.

Ponder ponder. it brings this to the surface for me. If you go traveling through 4+5D and remember in 3D, because not everything stays in its own dimension there are leaks, don’t expect solid answers to fragmented experiences of higher dimensions the 3D mind isn't supposed to understand yet, it will come to you in waves of syncroncities over a very long amount of 3D time, years actually. ...Divine timing has all the answers, only given when we patiently surrender to not knowing everything we wish to, but open up our hearts and ask to understand more. Which is only as much as we can handle at any given time. Our higher selves already lived it, already read the chapter, and know when its time to know.

Goodnight see you possibly tomorrow, if not then Tuesday for sure.