Health recap 2023
Need to pack up yard ornaments…and ask These guys if they want to move too 🤣 (jk)

Health recap 2023


Good morning, it is a take it easy day today, tomorrow is catching up on cleaning and it just gets progressively more busy until the weekend. Going to try to get rid the couches and treadmill the day after Christmas, should be fairly easy. I have the kitchen to pack and it is always the biggest chore of moving it seems but, did a video of open cupboards of what I have, so I could sit with it and figure out what I want to pack with me and what goes with the movers and what goes to goodwill. Luckily in a previous move I got rid of quite a few glass things I just didn't need, I had tons of drinking glasses I had accumulated over the years. Of all kinds, specialty cocktail types different types of wine glasses, etc. I still have a few and I may get rid of a few more but everything looks good to go. I have a lot less pots and pans and less kitchen appliances than I used to. Probably get rid of a few to-go cups because I never use those these days, besides my Beast cup for water. Keeping all my coffee mugs though. An FYI to fellow creators, I do love mugs so if you make them I would probably buy one some time.

I have made an improvement on my health since the beginning of this year. Being proactively searching for the best solutions for my condition and tweaking it along the way. Changing my daily habits and making food omissions, or eat this not that type of changes. I started my current regiment late September with hopes of feeling extremely different by January. I think that feeling is still a few months away.

Combination physical/spiritual upgrades intergration completing and nutrition and vitamins integration combination. What I have noticed this week is a massive change in my upper body. I have had a VERY weak upper body especially in-between my shoulder blades for a very long time which became weaker when I had Covid in April that never really recovered, followed by shallow lung capacity, and tired/exhausted feeling in the heart vicinity. I started taking this new wild foods co Magnesium complete seven days ago and this weakness is subsiding, and some is completely suddenly gone, so I know it is the magnesium helping. I can take deeper breaths and my heart feels… ‘normaler’. The other day I had another lovely heart beat thumping episode syncing into alignment, with the kundalini energy surging, had a nice warm heart love feel, and now I don’t even feel my heart really which is good, this is an upgrade fully integrated. No longer tiredness in the upper back.

I still have weakness in arms but that is because I need to work the muscles more now that I’m getting some energy in them. Usually they are just frustrating dead weight, which was exacerbated by weak heart muscle feel. I normally swell throughout the day from lymph issues and I can say I’ve noticed a big difference in my stomach and ankle swelling, or lack there of at bedtime. Usually I am swollen then it dissipates overnight, and the cycle repeats, but I’m not even swelling there at all, massive improvement. Must also be the magnesium, just wow! I’m so grateful. I am very tired at the end of the day though but that is just the winter daylight change.

My period has been early three months in a row by 5 days, and I think it has something to do with my massive changes in nutrition and vitamins I take. I’m 3 days away now from my predicted period for December now so I guess we’ll see if it has settled back into normalcy, or not. I don’t even have a swollen feeling of blood build up yet. Not complaining though 😂.

What you all want to hear about is my toe health right…well, it looks not pretty. Not better yet seems to need dissected and clipped again, I bought a pair of ingrown toenail clippers in hopes to cut it more appropriately. Frustrating yes but SO used to it. I wish if it was cut off it would just grow back 😂 that’s an evolutionary advancement I would stand up for, almost punny, huh.

I’m going to go for now, have great day! No art dump today.