HellO June…a forecast
One of my resident quail fam with their newborns exploring the patio

HellO June…a forecast

By age 40 and beyond we all envelope at the very least, king and queen attributes. Although I think it's more like empresses and emperors and magicians and high priestesses combined with life experiences.

This is going to be a writual planner blog. There are quite a few cards to be pulled today on top of my daily three card (not shared). I thought I would show a typical month, I am a little extra and like including oracle cards too for clarification and guidance. Today is officially the end of Mercury's post-shadow phase which honestly was more retrograde glitchy for me in terms of technology fails and miscommunications looking back. Energy feels super light today though and I'm loving it. June is a pretty good month usually.

Here are some photos of my planner and cards. Chimālmā, picked energy of the month, The Emperor, but couldn’t be bothered to continue helping 😆. This is pic of her resting her head on the steps by the couch. This is how she communicates that she would like to go outside now. Shes so cute.

Go outside now please...thanks. I got to eat a feather and sniff stuff.

I still haven't purchased any stickers to go in the squares. I don’t know if I will at this point in the year. I'll do better next year 😂.  I also need to fill in my end of the month reflection for May today.  I treat 'weekly action steps' as more of a need to know section, just makes more sense to me, especially when there are five weeks but only a spot for four.

There is a full moon in Sagittarius in two days, and as a Cancer rising this will be a time where my health is in the forefront, it could be good or bad. I am taking it as good because I have the 8 of wands in my health slot in the tarot pull which means rapid recovery in health, invorgated imminent 'surge'...ooh 😏🤣.

In the Astro oracle deck I had pulled Third House (Communication) so communication is another focus this month for me as well. During the full moon up until the end of Saturns rx in November. If I had a health problem that needed assistance friends and family would be able to help point me in the right direction if I clearly communicate.   I have a stellium in Virgo (my karmic debt) and north node and lilth.  Later in the month when Saturn rx in Pisces, it clarifies my Astro Card. Communication could be compromised due to Virgo being a mutual sign and very influental in my natal chart. So I just need to be clear to people, make sure tech is working, backed up, software updated, etc. All should be okay because it seems that my health should be in recovery not a turn for the worse. Hopefully my dad's health is on the mend also because he’s going through something right now. I pulled some cards on that situation which suggested a complete easy recovery.

The white oracle card is Magnetism of Eros. I do operate out of love. I don't think I do have Thanatos 'issues' I don't do much to comprise my health on purpose. Destructive operations for me were more of a 'maybe in my 20's I would' mentally. That ship has sailed to calmer waters since then. I only want to feel serenity, serendipity, abundance and unconditional love. To feel it I must be it, so I try my best. By age 40 and beyond we all envelope at the very least, king and queen attributes. Although I think it's more like empresses and emperors and magicians and high priestesses combined with life experiences.

So this is what I got going on for the month of June.  I'll be doing a full moon spread in a few days as well, maybe I'll post it here since I've not done it yet.  I'm thinking about doing my nails since it's Natl Nail Polish Day, I didn’t know that was a thing!

Have a great day, thanks for visiting my lil' space over here in the corner of the world wide spider web, it is... very quiet, but peaceful...that's me looking on the brightside.