🤣 so accurate



Good afternoon, I have a moment so thought I’d jot down a few words. I’m about to put in my last order of necessities from this address at Amazon while living here tomorrow. I wanted to get those two crystals I talked about last month, but I thought I’d wait until yesterday to purchase on Etsy and went to buy and there wasn’t a guarantee I would get them by Jan 1st, so I didn’t get them yet because it’s just cutting it too close.  Maybe they will still be there once I’m at the new place 🤞🏻, if I’m supposed to have them I guess that will be the case. One of them was in two other carts though.

I’m going to get a book, that I wanted earlier this year for something to do as I wait for the furniture to be delivered, I’m going with “waking up in the 5D” By Maureen St. Germain. I’m getting a throw blanket too as a gift to myself for making a bold change.

I am cooking my own chicken noodle soup today. I’ve wanted soup for a while now so I’m really looking forward to it. I’m trying to just take the days as they come one at a time, still so much to do. But I think it’s going well so far, trying to take in the beauty of the desert. I’m very enthusiastic about this move, it’s just hard on the physical body. The solstice is upon us soon, you know what that means! Capricorn season 🤣 we are coming to sign off on 2023! I’m looking at 44 years (I mean levels) old next year! Oooh love master numbers, that one is mastering the material world, building through perseverance, and focusing on the task at hand. I think I’m already in that energy to be honest, lol. I can’t see for miles yet, there is still a fog on the horizon. I’m in a state of short term memory loss from all the things in my mind, I’m in constant clearing of energy lately. It really isn’t a time for such transformative change, winter is supposed to be a cozy hunkering down for most. I guess if anyone is to do it a Capricorn would. Ok I’m rambling, bye bye for now.
