Isachu (E-săch-oo)
Inquisitive and not too threatening, dilated love pupils 😂

Isachu (E-săch-oo)


This statue is also Isachu (to me)

A year of the Dragon post

I thought I’d share my 🐉. I bonded with my dragon a very long time ago. This is one depiction I had created back in 2013. The time before that was in the 1993 in a pencil sketch, if I get around to it I’ll take a pic of drawing and insert later.

This is Isachu, not sure how you write a dragons name, but that is how it was pronounced, so I just took my best guess. Isachu is definitely green with purpley red eyes, and has antler-like protrusions on the head. The statue used to glow in the dark, but doesn’t so much anymore, sun bleached to a mint white these days. I’ve had the statue since high school. I felt very safe in that time of my life, was it the dragon? I dunno…maybe. I also have the Dragon beanie baby from the 2000 zodiac collection, but I’ve not unpacked my stuffed animals at this place, not sure I will. Then I have my Father Dragon sculpture from the Windstone Collection. Which was my inspo of my newest dragon art.

I have my eye on a carved crystal dragon I’ll add before the years end, after that carnelian flame I spoke of. That one is in the bag now. Can’t wait to show! How is your year of the dragon going? Hard isn’t it, lol, I‘m a goat/sheep so I know. The dragon could eat me at any moment. Nah, were are excellent friends.

No way 🥰

Thought I’d share a prayer from Victoria Rozengurt here 👇🏻