Justice XI
Overall energy of the month of November

Justice XI


I pulled Justice for the overall energy of the month, which coincidentally (or is it synchronic because there are no coincidences) is number 11 in month 11. hmm. So, truth and clarity fairness, balance, cause and effect, all these things we already recently talked about in Libra season. Legal matters in your favor could pop up, or ongoing ones may come to an end. I figured I’d share it here today. I’m, still waiting on a tax refund from last year and the tax office recently gave a call back and hung up upon answering! It is impossible to call in and get someone on the phone, you could sit there for hours on hold, then they finally call back and hang up! Ugh. Then you gotta call them back and the game starts all over again. Maybe that will come through before the year end finally, it would be nice!

I woke up at 6am this morning so I feel like I got extra sleep, had a really bizzare dream last night about backpacking and walking into this restaurant…type place in mountains, maybe a Hostel. There were people sitting at the tiniest tables I ever saw, and just seating themselves, and there were bags of whole chickens on the outside of the building against the wall like chopped firewood...and the top ones kept sliding down the pile slipping out of their bags and when they hit the ground they exploded and they were green. I felt nauseated and was trying to find a bathroom. It was super weird. Must have been Europe it just didn’t feel like the US and I have never been to EU. Gotta love exploding chickens for your snack, is that a French delicacy? I’ll pass. 🤣

Yesterday I put a sale on everything at my Mercari store (except the shoes), hoping to clear out some stuff before I close shop the 2nd week of December. I do it to avoid that holiday post office mess and fees and holiday arrival expectation. The shop reopens at the new year. I have really enjoyed the shop, it has helped as a little side cash for my vitamins, mushroom coffee and misc spending. So if interested go look and purchase asap.

Feeling pretty good in the body physically which is great. I’ll probably continue working on a list of what I need this month, and then get it, and cut this toenail because it is stupid long, it gives me anxiety!

Our Divinity II is public…best go check it out because it won’t be public long!! Enjoy

Have a great SELF-care Sunday! Don’t forget