


It is now here, for real. How are we feeling? Drained? Sleepy? Heavy? Hungry? Sexy? Surging between charged up and exhausted?

I a cat. Making the most of it, I don't feel as heavy today, still listening to that root chakra sleep video overnight, so I am really rested. I want to eat everything, opposite of how I felt yesterday. My body feels like I need to stretch, so I'm doing that. I'd just as soon stay in bed all day but I am wide awake so that’s boring. Its very cloudy here today and a chill 99 for the high. Dog days of summer.

Yeah...about Art Dump Tuesday...There isn’t one this week either 🫣. So sorry, next week will be epic, for sure. I'm usually pretty driven at getting things done on time, but this week is just, I don’t know, not one of those times.

The above clip is actually animated but I've not posted it anywhere. It is a lot more interesting animated. I wish I knew how to convert the video so that I could show it here! I should really learn.

I guess you can have this pic, a photo art enhancement I made in procreate. Cute!  No blue left in my hair right now, it has washed out and faded but I'm loving it.

I love the faded black my hair is right now, almost a dark chocolate brown

I'm off to do a sea salt and sage cleanse of my body, and paint my nails, they were so long I had to cut them and at the moment they are squared off, which I don’t prefer. I find them to break more often, and are believe it or not, sharper squared than pointed. I actually punctured my arm once with a square nail on accident, I was shocked, lol.

Alright bye for now...I hope the day is amazing for you. Keep your vibe hiiigh!