March reflections and looming April obsessions,
An old shirt I had 

March reflections and looming April obsessions,

That’s been every job I’ve ever had though, so strange every job I’ve ever had or applied for called me back, so I’ve never been turned down, which in hindsight is really strange to me. Feels like I was, born lucky

Taking a look back on this March in comparison to previously lived Marches, this one has been the most positive and productive one in at least ten years.  All self started and imagined.  Kind of like how I started creating my jewelry shop, after a tower moment which I also opened in a past April. I’ve really done a lot and I still have one day of it left. I hope to continue this momentum well into April and get done what I set out to a little sooner than expected on my secret project. I had finally decided my theme and colors which was the hard part, because I have SO MANY ideas, and so now I can start. I finished one image this morning after sunrise and I’m going to try to do one more today. I’m so excited!!

Tallahassee in my yard

In the past I had a loathing of March, the feeling of it being too long, and most recent negative aspect was Covid being associated with this month. The most exhausting month at work when I had a physically demanding job.  That was because I lived in the state capital and college town of Tallahassee for most of my Florida life. March was a booming time of new people moving to town. Also, one too many St. Paddy’s Day disasters…back in my drinking days, and a nervous breakdown that sent me to the hospital, (scariest thing to ever happen to me). So many birthdays to keep track of (because my life is full of fish friends and family) and on and on…It’s funny but many of my past job changes or starts happened in April, I distinctly remember living at home in my parents house after attempting to move out for the first time (for about seven months) but failed to make enough money. I moved back and was in the shower and the phone was ringing, I jumped out and ran to the phone, (landline). It was a call for a job I had applied for just a day or two previously, I thought about it while on the phone how it was April fools day. My soon to be boss said, “you got the job, when can you start?” The first thing I said was, “are you joking?” he laughed, and said “nope”. I started the next day, but I think I went down there to fill out mandatory paperwork that day. I couldn’t believe it because it was so fast.  That’s been every job I’ve ever had though, so strange every job I’ve ever had or applied for called me back,  so I’ve never been turned down, which in hindsight is really strange to me. Feels like I was, born lucky. My cash register number and employee number was 7 at the Tallahassee job.

Temptation...drinking seven deadly sins cocktails 

So March…it’s going well! I’m ready for April. Even after a sneak peek challenge in the tarot. I do keep a tarot planner this year and my overall energy of the month of April is let’s just say…frowned upon.  I  sympathize 😂 with the card. The postive Astrological aspects include being ambitious, dedicated, with a sense of humor. No cards in tarot are all bad. This one has its challenges but have an air of earthiness, freedom, sensuality and spontaneity. I suppose you need to curb your appetites, lest you become a monster.  I have totally given you the card 👹.  So the devil will loom over all of my three card draws, but knowing that is half the battle, right?  This reveal was here first. To continue to see things first…subscribe for free now.

☕👹 so cute