Matcha Yum

Matcha Yum

I did some extra solar plexus meditations today, as I felt some turbulence yesterday. Today is better, I feel less run down from the high energies. I clear my energy often but so much is coming in I was having a hard time keeping up. I also was drinking a lot of water yet felt dehydrated, I know I just added chia to my diet also, but I only eat it rehydrated and don’t eat more than a tablespoon of them. Today is SO much more balanced, and I’m not as hot today either…yet, lol. It is only 92 but getting up to 105 💀.


I just packed up an order from my Mercari Store. I recently added a few Sterling Silver items, check it out if interested. Funny thing, I had put one of my stargazer rings up for sale because it’s a size 6 which is too small for me…but I tried it on yesterday and it fits, so it took it off market. I have another Moon Rituals ring coming on Monday so I’m excited for that which makes 7 out of 10 er…11 but the collector’s ring is probably really hard to get.

It fits!

Today I tried the Matcha Latte drink I bought, and it was the best matcha I’ve ever tasted. It was so good!  I’ve been a matcha drinker for about twenty years, however it was always so expensive, buying it in small batches from Japan. This was before the world caught on really and it became the next big thing everyone had to have. Now it’s plentiful but I still only drink the brands from Japan because I trust their products are the highest quality and produced in lead free environments. This one has added mushrooms, adaptogens, oat milk and MCT oil from coconut. Which makes it extra creamy. I recommend it if you are looking for a boost, or just something nutritious to drink that is treat like.

Soon I’ll have more stuff to unpack and show. A crystal, 2 candles , a new journal or two, nail polish and art supplies.