Monday reflections
One of my faves

Monday reflections


Yesterday I took a whole day off IG and FB! That felt odd but good. Spent many hours in silence and a lot came to me. I also spent many hours listening to a sacral meditation. Lots of interesting feelings occurred. I am pretty balanced at this time so it wasn’t dramatic but was a positive experience. All in all an enjoyable day. I have a cervical de armoring crystal wand called a cervix serpent? I think. It is a good tool for womb cleansing, releasing any pain that may exist. It also can just be pleasurable of course…

Cervix serpent 🐍🪄he is magical 💦

No its name isn’t sink hole Sam. 🤪.

Here is a random quote I used for the beginning of my journal, thought I’d share

Would you like to see some food I ate? Lol. Today I’m making my pasta bake after I sike myself up to wash my hair.

Yesterday I also watched this video about the Pluto transit into Aquarius. I’ll share it below it is really thorough, so if you want know what the next two decades entail for your sign it’s worth a watch. Later in the day I had a thought, “I think I was supposed to physically die already, this year.” I know why I had that thought. Many people do pass away when Pluto is exiting their sun sign, if not then they do dramatically transform during that time, letting the old them die, and or form a legacy. I didn’t die, and Pluto will never be in my sign again before I do physically die...except for retrograde later this year, but it doesn’t really affect Capricorn. Saturn is in my 4th house which is a sign of living a long life. Maybe that is why I was spared, Saturns child…lol. Thanks for more time terrifying space dad. I have transformed dramatically during this transit through Capricorn for sure, many old layers are dead, more than any other time in my life I’m not even in mourning over that anymore.

I fell asleep last night listening to a pick a card reading on YouTube and woke up to a really interesting thought and now I cannot remember what it was and I was too tired to jot it down. It was so good too 😩. I hope it comes back. I closed out the reading and started to listen to a root chakra frequency. I slept so hard, it was great.

Anyways, I’m back today on socials. Hope everyone had a great weekend. It’s already almost 1pm here, I better get started on my hair.

just an fyi…

Today’s pasta bake. It is organic rigatoni with mushrooms, onions, and red peppers. Asiago and mozzarella cheese with layers of both marinara and alfredo sauce.