I’m here today 👆🏻



Good afternoon! Just finished lunch and a dose of my honey. This was the lunch Evol brand butternut squash ravioli. Was good, something different, tastes like autumn though…here I go skipping whole seasons 😂. Well, it is my favorite season, and it will be here before I know it. This week I tried the other 12pk of celsius I had kiwi guava today, probably the most subtle flavor of all I’ve tried yet tastes like cactus water.


Working on Art Dump Tuesday post and this one simultaneously. It seems like it will be a theta inspired art week since I’ve been spending a lot of time in that state O’mind.…

I’ll be back

I bought these bee venom patches a longtime ago and the websites store disappeared and I couldn’t track my order then it showed up today. I smacked my own ass and took it as a loss and learning experience and low and BEEhold here it is. Huh! So pleasantly surprised I wasn’t scammed. Now will the product work? I dunno but it’s worth a try. I’m desperate to move this fluid OUT. I’m wearing one right now on my bellybutton overnight. I’m all about all this bee stuff lately. What this supposedly does will not regress, so any good it does will continue no matter if I quit using it or not Although, I do not know how it works. It reminds me kind of like that supplement fatty 15, which converts white fat cells into brown ones, which cannot be undone, they are the healthy fat cells that keep people thin.


I just finished up a charcoal mud mask on my legs and then tried calamine lotion spray for the first time. Interesting, I never seen it in a spray before. It stopped the itch. Some days are worse than others, today it was pretty itchy. The mud mask was soothing right away I figure charcoal might extract toxins that would normally be sweated out. We know I don‘t sweat so, well, I do sweat a tiny bit now under boobs mostly and the normal hot spots.

Well, I’m going to go now, here’s a picture of Chimmie, she just finished rolling around on a treat on the floor. I tried to give this jerky but it was too stinky to eat I guess. She’s so funny!