New Moon in ♊️
Cactus in bloom 🌸

New Moon in ♊️

Hello, new moon time again. I can’t explain how I feel today, how Gemini is that, lol. I have no Gemini placements in regular astrology, I do have plenty of other mutable sign placements, so I do understand how quickly and easily these signs pull out the cha cha changes, and adapts to the world.  Gemini in a hidden energy, I'm not so comfortable with. No growth in comfort though right? I just won't be signing any new contracts this month, no new intentions for me I'll just ride through to the next new moon. I need to be really mindful of my thoughts though because I can manifest so easy.  I'm not in survival mode, or fear, or anything like that by any means, I'm conserving my energy for what is necessary, because I just know things.  The energy is high, can't deny that. Solstice is around the bend. I'm going to try and stay as positive in the this energy as possible.

Hot and dry day here in the desert with a fire watch (red flag) until 9pm tonight. I have some pics of a super bright new cactus bloom, must be the first day and those flowers are spectacular this year! My cosmos are budding but not open, nothing on the sunflowers yet, the hummingbirds have been flying around the sun LED light in the middle of the yard. I bet they are disappointed 😂.

Anyways, here are the cards I pulled today. I pulled one of each of my oracle decks, as well the tarot.  Also I wrote down songs I heard playing in my head during the reading.  I'll have to look them up, to see if they resonate, right now I have no clue, lol. Key notes of the oracle messages I wrote in the 'Notes' section of my planner.

This is my gallery of bits of the day...good luck with this 🤪 moon