Chit chat & 🌑 prep
New moon in Pisces = Reset moon

Chit chat & 🌑 prep


Hello, I am back with a new moon prep and just a general chit chat I usually do. I had that fish yesterday. Yum. I spent some time on Pinterest making a new board labeled ‘MYVISION’ check it out if you like. I think it is aesthetically pleasing, it even includes pictures of myself and Chīmalmā that is part of my art of manifestion. You can find me by typing in Mz.knight in the Pinterest search.

A small look at my Pinterest board

Onto the super new moon reset:
New Moon in Pisces is super charged and will reset your body for the upcoming equinox here are some things you can expect and what you can do about it.

You might feel a build up of dense energy in days leading up to the new moon as a pain in your body somewhere, drink lots of water and move your body around to get rid of toxins clearing out for the equinox activations

Manifest from your higher mind not your ego during these super new moons, to avoid unintended consequences.

Your menstrual cycle may move on you being close to equinox energy. Be gentle with yourself, take time with the sacral chakra. This is clearing out ancestral karma.

March 9th, do a release ritual find something you need to let go of from the past 12 months.

March 10th, create stillness and enter the void via breath work

Purify your body. Restrict or limit sugar, caffeine, drugs, and alcohol to keep the nervous system from being in overdrive from super new moon energy. Remember my list of ways to manage supercharged energy if you happen to mess up. Remember the energy is strongest three leading up and three days past the new moon.

I hope this helps, we are approaching the zero point of another new year celebration 🤣, the cosmic new year. It is also a polarity shift year of the sun energy for the next 11 years, just expect it to get increasingly stronger, faster, and your lives more positively aligned. All timelines are moving forward in a positive direction for more than a decade, two decades for some of us (cardinal suns), when including transit of Pluto out of Capricorn and into Aquarius! Be happy!