On the Eve of 2025
Good morning. I am hydrating and caffeinating so I can get started on my manicure. I did this really cool photo for 2019 I might try and recreate tonight we’ll see if I can pull it off. Here it is, I still have this ornament.
I’m going to wear Cirque Colors Red Bttms. It is a cherry red color with their trademark shimmer graphic finish. That consists of a scattered holographic with aurora color shifting pigments. Not sure if I’ll stamp the date or not…we’ll see. Apparently my new cellphone case is out for delivery today so we can also see how that will look with it, lol. It is also red 😂. I just love red it is NOT political, not even close, so don’t go there.
Okay will be back in a little bit…
But the pic doesn’t do the manicure justice until it’s in the flash.
I rented Ghost‘s “Rite Here, Rite Now“ I still hadn’t seen it so I thought tonight…er I should spell it rite ‘tonite’ 🤪 is as good as any. Ugh that crowd I would not want to be in it! I’m close enough rite here.