Perfectly wicked

Perfectly wicked


Good morning! Ugh 🤣. I do feel quite exhausted still from all the blood loss. I really think it was a sacral purge, and now I get an upgrade so can’t complain too much. Today is a new day and I'm going to start eating. I also don’t know what I did but I hurt my left thumb knuckle the day before yesterday, it isn't bruised but it feels bruised so I'm sitting here twittling my thumb, man getting older is hard. I took a pic of Chimmie in her birthday shirt, she actually likes it, runs up to put her head in but puts on her mean face as you put her legs in the holes 🤣🤣🤣. I have taken it on and off her a few times since yesterday so she gets used to wearing clothes. It is a bit snug but I could fix it with a custom shoestring zigzag expansion if necessary. Then she would look cooler than the other dogs. I took a pic of myself this morning in my just woke up face 🤣😱. I have a few pounds of hair in a bun on top my head out of view. I just can’t be bothered with it right now. I'll insert pics later...the website seems to be having issues right at this time.

*now working

Last night a cat strolled into the yard and caused a huge fuss as you can imagine. This cat just sat down in the yard and twitched its tail staring at the window where I'm sure it heard the inside turmoil. Chimmie barked continually for a good ten minutes until the cat lost interest and walked out of view, not before taunting her once more with a long low stretch and stare. I know if she was outside with the cat she'd be tail tucked and hiding, she is ALL bark.

I have a few crystals to show. I wanted them for the full moon but they didn’t arrive in time. I also have a wand but, I'm not showing it until the next 🌕 🪄.  the middle crystal is clear quartz infused with a perfume.

I think I'm done here for now. Going to listen to music for a a little bit after I finish this lymphatic draininage BS. I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend, come back later to see an updated blog entry website permitting. Much love!