Spring Polish Organizing
Part of my Cirque Colors collection...

Spring Polish Organizing

It’s that time of year,  where I go through my nail polish collection to see if anything needs pitched or revive drops, or could be given away. I don’t have a need to rehome any this year, I’ve not been buying any for quite a while.  I’ve been trying to keep my collection manageable. Last year I bought a few clear carrying cases for them to get out of a drawer style storage. I found keeping them hidden like that I hadn’t really reached for too many that way. The new way is much better. At the same time I attempted to swatch them all and adhere these round glass ovals to the tops of the bottles. This proved to be a fail as they just kept popping off, I think they were too heavy. So decided to pull them all off and create fridge magnets with them instead…which resulted in another fail 🤣. I had some on the refrigerator and they would randomly pop off onto the floor leaving the magnet part connected to the fridge.  Soooo…I have all these pretty painted glass ovals without any ideas of what to do with them, yet.

However, I did come across circular plastic swatch plates that are specifically made for what I was trying to create.  Very cheap also, I think I got  240 ct for $6 on Amazon. I wish I would’ve found these last year!  So I’m reswatching all the bottles and it looks really nice. I’m pretty sure this style will also work for my Orly polish, I didn’t even try last year.

The swatch plates and little pain in ass two sided stickers

This is my Easter weekend project, I haven’t done my nails in two weeks. I’m on the fence about doing an Easter manicure as it is already Friday. I need to trim them too because they are way too long (for me) I’m having trouble typing and peeling the little stickers to put on the backs of the swatches. We shall see I may get around to a mani post this weekend on my Instagram page. Below is part of what I did today which in total was about 50,  I have about 80 bottles left to do tomorrow.

I am feeling more energetic than yesterday. I’ve been sleeping fine but still exhausted after waking up. I found a kelp supplement for iodine, thinking bout adding it to my routine.  I have little to no ‘La Lunas’ on my fingernails, which is an indicator of deficiency but also a deficiency in b12 as well so it’s confusing. I already take b12 so it must be iodine.  Looking to get in the sun at some point too since it’s in the 70’s here in the pm. Hope you all have a nice holiday if you celebrate, if not just have a happy weekend. I'll be back Monday with a new post.