Saturday 🌧️ and hail

Saturday 🌧️ and hail


Wow, it has been a wet December in the desert. Thunderstorms all night (I love that overnight) and still on and off rain until 1 pm today. The birds are loving it because it is not too cold out. Except it is hailing right now 😳

So I have aches today from the humidity as per usual and 🩸 leaves me a little bit weak. So I’m going to take it easy this morning and then do stuff later that is left to do. No worries though I’m okay, just the reverse order of what I planned but, it happens and I’m flexible. Almost all my amazon order came yesterday but a couple things got pushed back until the 29th, it will be in time so I’m not cancelling it.

Been playing with animation in downtime because I love it as I’ve said many times. Here are two stills of it, am I now forwarding to spring? I don’t know why I can’t just be in the season it is currently. I just love everything about this aesthetically. I am an old soul with futuristic state of mind most of time. I love bones. I have a strange thing to say 🤣, I am saddened that when I die I will not get to see my skeleton through my living eyes or hold it, or paint it. The closest I can see it is in my mri scan, or if I see it as my soul when I exit the body, but that is another plane. I know…really strange but I would like to paint it or have it tattooed 😳. There’s that witchy shit slipping out.

Inspo from these Capricorn quotes by Amrit Brar.

“The body is rot waiting to happen”

“Nothing can stay”

“Some are the bandage, some are the knife, some get creative”

So that is what I’m up to for now, until this afternoon, body willing. lol.

Have a great day.