Selfcare Sunday

Selfcare Sunday


Good morning, June 2nd can you believe it! The year is almost at the halfway point. May is over, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up your pleasure routine… So it is selfcare Sunday, I did spend a majority of yesterday thinking yesterday was Sunday, was like, “the weekend went by fast“ 🤣. I was so happy when I realized it was only Saturday.

A video I used today in hopes of helping out my inflamed leg skin. Can’t hurt listening a few times. It has looked better the last few days but not completely better. Seemed to start getting better after incorporating bone broth again, go figure.

Well, my art was seen by 2 people yesterday according to the IG stats, that’s disheartening. I don’t understand what hash tags to use or why IG doesn’t show all my posts in my followers feeds at the very least, only two followers got a chance to see it? Then the only ways they’ll see it is if they come directly to my page? Who does that, not many...ugh. Social media feels like such a waste of time. Maybe everyone snoozed me at the same time 🧐. I don’t need outside validation, I just want to inspire others to create, so it would be nice to know about 300 people saw it not 2. Well, it was fun anyways creating no matter the outcome of being seen.

New ability 😂

In other news, I keep being bombarded with the Taco Bell chicken cantina menu commercial. It looks too good to be true and I kind of want to try it myself. I haven’t had Taco Bell at all since moving here. However…I should be cooking instead. Not sure yet. I’ll give my two cents if I try it. Normally I order one black bean Crunchwrap because Taco Bell meat is just too much a mystery.

Alright, I’ll be back later with more. Need to do my nails.

I’m back…here some pics from the prairie and yes Taco Bell.

I got the cantina chicken meal, it came with a taco, I thought it was a cantina chicken taco but it was regular one, ugh. I ate it though. The burrito did impress me for Taco Bell but it was pretty small. Came with a green salsa. I’ve never had Taco Bell chips or cheese, was okay lol. Had a Diet Pepsi, sadly a little flat, they usually have the best. I only like Pepsi from Taco Bell 😆, otherwise it’s Coke Zero for me.

My manicure from earlier (forgot)

Oh my 2020 was 4 years ago 😱