Selfcare Sunday
Good Morning. Well, I have not decorated the tree yet 😂. I have a legit reason, yesterday the other half of the prelit lights died. So, another Walmart trip to get more lights is on the schedule. 😵💫. Then I think it will be ok to go ahead and put stuff up. If you buy a prelit tree it will only work for two years before dying so may as well get one without lights in the first place.
I pulled out these three squishables for the holidays. If you didn’t know I do collect squishables. I have not purchased any for a quite a few years. So either Baphomet the Baphomet 😂 or Nostradamus the Plague Doctor was the last one purchased In 2020. I’m trying not to get more I have 22. 😬. They all have names, and take turns being out of a box. There are a few new ones I do want, lol, but I gotta refrain.
I have leftovers to eat for lunch, and there is a roast in the crockpot with onions and carrots and a bunch grape tomatoes. Should be good.
Going to go for now, later tonight an oracle reading and also tree decorations 🤞🏻.
I created a dragon dance animation…! I’ll post it eventually between the holiday and new year probably. Now I’m going to work on my jewelry ideas for a little bit. Have a cozy day. Lol, the editor replaced cozy with achey…like where do they get that from that? Lol. Bye
About 1 PM got quite a rush of energy, I see we got a bit of a spike today. My aura is…hot pinky purple. My neck is tingly. 🤣 well this is going to be an interesting oracle reading. Come back around 9pm central.
Speaking of angelic light,
Hello, so nice to see you…why are you down there and have you been tickling the back of my head? How do you do that?