Self-care Sunday

Self-care Sunday


So grateful for a good night sleep last night, I was nodding off while watching Night of the Living Dead. Is it just me or would anyone just give the zombies Barbara šŸ¤£, she was ridiculous. I fell straight to sleep, and my body feels much better. I also watched Devils Advocate before that because I have the DVD, and that scene where Mare is on the cot in the hospital being sent to the ward brought me some tears, it just hits different after my spiritual awakening, but I wasnā€™t responsive so I couldnā€™t speak for myself. That is all Iā€™m saying about it at this time, I donā€™t live there anymore.

Just finished my hair the big chore of my week. Itā€™s back up in a clip I kind of wish I knew some braid techniques. I donā€™t, and my arms wouldnā€™t cooperate anyways.


How is there static in my hair after just washing it? Lol.

I had this little gluten free pizza from Dominoā€˜s, it was okay. I havenā€™t had Doritos, Fritos, Funyuns, or Cheetos for like two months they have enriched corn so, folicā˜ ļøacid. I canā€™t find an alternate unfortunately. So Iā€™m sticking to kettle chips and popcorn, its not that I eat stuff like that all the time. Yesterday I also ate some So Delicious Chocolate cookie ice cream made with cashew milk, itā€™s the best one from the brand. It was one of those days, I needed it.