Selfcare Sunday
The new crystals šŸ˜ welcome šŸ¤—! Phantom quartz aka ghost quartz and a Smokey Phantom Quartz and Smokey Quartz Freeform

Selfcare Sunday


So here are the two new big deal crystals in my life this year. Maybe someday I tell you who they are. Angels and deities are what I choose names from usually. The smokey quartz in Freeform shape is a very high vibration shape. The Phantom is focused on inner journey not outward, and the tower/point shape amplifies your intentions.

I also just recieved my other mail today for the first time, I was wondering what the hold up was since I got an email on the 11th saying look out for your welcome packet. So here is a ring I bought for my birthday as well, I have almost all the lucky dragon rings from FJ now. Just in time for the lunar new year šŸ™‚šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™‚

I must say Iā€™m not used to Central time yet, it feels too fast or like the day is over too fast and Iā€™ve been a night owl a few nights too. Itā€™s weird. Thats all the materials I have gotten myself lately. Now I have to spend a little on my body health, ugh, never ends. At least my inner child rejoices at the sparkly stuff so she is satisfied for a spell, until she wants to paint šŸ˜© soon dear.

Am I swollen today? Yesā€¦unfortunately. But I wasnā€™t when I woke up so thatā€™s one thing that is different, I also had an urge to pee this morning where I hadnā€™t felt urge for a few days. So I think thatā€™s good, too TMI?

I slept pretty good but woke up once. Chimmie got off the bed during the night and then was confused on how to get back up for a minute and gave me a sorrowful cry, lol, it was really sad sounding, had to point to her steps and she was fine, I leave the hall nightlight on for here so she can see, still too new I guess. Oh and a neighbor was singing too, at like 2am. Lol.

Well, good night, it is warmer today kind of. Hopefully a restful night and not swollen in the am. Until tomorrow.

Another light show on my wall šŸ‘€, hmm