So tired…
I finally found the charger to charge this light last night, I’ve missed it!

So tired…


Okay… the passed few days has caught up with me and I am exhausted. Even though I have been sleeping, for the most part, last night was the exception but I had every intention. Last night at 3:30am Chimmie was having a dream and let out the saddest loudest howl, she had done this two other times. It scared me to death of course because I was in deep sleep and she was laying on me. I gently shook her with a hand and said her name to wake her up but she didn’t right away, she howled for almost a minute. When she woke up she was fine, happy even hopped down got a drink came back and pounced as normal. She went back to sleep and I just laid there. I wonder what she could be dreaming that is so sad or scary? Where does she go?

My body feels so heavy today, I need to take a nap. I have grounded, removed negative energy, drank all my am drinks and vitamins. Should probably have toast or something next.

I’m going through a little headache with Mercari and a sale I made last week. It is a pain in my ass and I’m still upset. Long story short I lost out on a sale, and my item, the person cancelled during shipping and I didn’t have tracking number because I sent it large envelope which I didn’t realize, it doesn’t have a tracking number. So I couldn’t prove I sent it out except I sent them my receipt that did show date, time, and destination of pkg. I’m sure they recieved the item, but Mercari basically said time was up, cancelled the transaction, which deleted all coorspondense between me and them and my item for sale so…lol. Seems shady to me. So they get it for free I guess, as if it was a late pizza…except it wasn’t late…lesson learned the hard way. I will never not have a tracking number again and I’ll never send anything out before getting an acknowledgement from the buyer by sending them a text I am sending the item that day, so they have a second chance to cancel before it is sent out. I cannot believe the one time I didn’t have a tracking number out of 39 sales is the time someone wanted to cancel after I already shipped it…what are the odds? It would have been a breeze had I not shipped it, I would’ve just hit the cancellation button. I hope they love their ring 🫤. I guess this energy has been weighing me down as well.

I came on to say no art dump today…now I’m going to try and recover from it all.