Solar flares and art bursts
Throwback from 2022…

Solar flares and art bursts


So June…hello! Three X flares in 24 hrs! What a rarity. Yesterday I had lots of throat chakra issues/purges, first an itchy left ear, then lots of sneezing in the AM not sure why. Later in the day I drank my drink wrong and started having a choking fit, one of those you think you’re going to actually die from. It’s tragic and comical at the same time because in your head it’s like, “shit I think this is really it!“ Then you start laughing which makes it worse, and it seems so simple to remedy and still somehow it’s ridiculously beyond your control. I got better 🙂

I haven’t been able to do a full clearing cough in one try since I had the virus last year. So strange, like I can’t get enough air into cough with force? Who else lost strength never to gain back? I get so winded. So I had to keep clearing my throat, er trying anyways, and burping not at the same time 😂. I was getting annoyed what in the…so there is that.

I stayed up until 2:45am, I know…I just wasn’t tired. I eventually just turned off all the lights and put my head down, which worked because next thing I knew it was 6:30am and Chimmie was like, “where is my breakfast?” She’s very punctual. So I started off with little sleep today, but eventually I got another hour in which was really deep and I felt very light. It was like being in one of those zero gravity chairs. I want one of those I would just sleep in it 🤣. Maybe one day I could justify a $5,000 chair but I’d almost rather cut my legs off and get my tail back to the sea like the feature photo suggests.

I am listening to a root chakra mix currently, for all this light energy incoming. My hands and feet are buzzing/throbbing. It feels weird but it’s good, that’s how I know have no current energy blockages in the body. Which is always good! So here is the first part of my art doodle, still waiting on the ink blots to dry. I’m not as impatient as some others to use a hair dryer on it being ink. However it would cause some interesting movement in acrylic paint had I used that instead. My subject/s clear to me in this ink, I have enough on there to start with my sketch and I’ll add markers as needed and maybe finish with a sparkle. I’ll post the finished art tomorrow. If curious I used Tim Holtz Adirondack inks., then filled finishing touches with copic markers.

here’s a funny meme for the day 👇🏻 😂

7:52pm Back with the final doodle a day early 🤗