Desert Life


I was so excited to blog today, but as the day went on I realized I have no ideas on what to say! How weird! šŸ¤£

Chimālmā on this day last year...

So I guess Iā€™ll just talk about the dayā€¦Iā€™m so sorry guys. Ā Maybe Iā€™ll blog tomorrow to make up or it. Iā€™m trying to hold off on posting art because that is for Tuesday. Ā This morning I did my Oracle reading. Then house cleaning stuff, laundry, nothing too exciting. Tried the new strawberries and cream Dr. Pepper. I know, not great for me, but I donā€™t usually drink sodas and I was curious about it, because I love strawberry stuff. It was okay. Iā€™m kind of dazed, I did pull four of swords in my writual planner, I usually rest most of the day Sundays anyway. Ā This is an integration time of new energies, Taurus season is rest season.

Serpentine heart, that is also a wish stone. The white line goes in a circle, I posted this on social media tomorrow last year.

I am going to pick a new crystal for the month this week, stay tuned on IG. I will be doing a crystals post here soon. Maybe that will be tomorrow. The photo above is last years from this week. I will also have two air/wind divination tools this month aswell. These things are not expensive, and I'm on a low buy.

I havenā€™t decided yet but I am probably going to get a few new polishes from Cirque Colors before the temperature outside gets much hotter, June is the hottest month I've found and I need keep that in mind when I order things. Ā If you have been following me on social media for awhile you may have heard me mention that I donā€™t buy polish in the summer. It can explode, it has happened to me before when I lived in Florida. Such a mess! I havenā€™t purchased any this year at all, so that is really amazing for my low buy. Ā Iā€™ve really cut back, Ā I think I only bought one color last year. Ā I enjoy Cirque Colors, they may be my favorite brand of all time. There are a few really unique finishes that Iā€™d like to add to my collection, plus they have a 'do good polish' every month which I like. Ā They are high-end prices so Iā€™m trying to do it in doses of three at a time. I still havenā€™t purchased the ring light yet that I want for photos of my stamping looks. Soon, its not expensive. Ā Iā€™d also like to try Mooncat polish someday, and I wish FUN lacquer (out of Singapore) had a US warehouse because Iā€™d like to try it too. They do worldwide shipping but to get free shipping you have to put in a $170 order šŸ¤£. I do understand why but, Yikes!

It is so late! Ā So...Im going to sign off on this post now. Thanks for checking it out if you did. If anyone has wondered why I've been absent from FB so long I just haven't found the time, I'm going to try and login tomorrow. Ā Goodnight šŸŒ™

I think I'm refreshing my hair tomorrow, its been overdue