Super 🌑 in ♉️
‘Glitchy witch’ am I coming in clear yet

Super 🌑 in ♉️


Good morning! I’m sorry but I am not doing an Art Dump today. I’ve had other things to deal with and haven’t enough to show. Besides yesterday’s feature photo and this glitchy witch above ☝🏻😂. No new moon readings. New moons are hidden…👀.

Today is the Hakuna Matata of new moons, IMO. It means no worries for the rest of your days, it’s a problem free philosophy…😂. The focus is what makes you happy, extract joy and satisfaction. Comfort is key today. I’m all for it! Remember you have the power to feel however you wish to feel, not anyone or anything else does. So feel it. Be grateful and jot it down in a journal today. Meditate in gratitude this morning. Here is a helpful video 👇🏻. Even if you have to go with the same routines at work you won’t mind them as much today if you are grateful for your life and decide to have a good day. So have a beautiful day make yourself feel good! You have the power.

What I can show or talk about is how great I feel today. I FINALLY feel my legs are getting better. The past two mornings my ankles and feet have been much less swollen, I still have a small amount of stiffness and numbness in the front of the ankle joints on both feet, but much less, in turn this has taken pressure off my two big toes as well. I am in a happier mood from this, and overall swelling in my body has dissipated a lot since I started some new things to dump the excess estrogen, and cortisol, and boost magnesium. I was not even a little bit worried about the tornados yesterday super chill. Funny thing happened, I fell asleep sitting here, watching the storm chasers on YouTube and was leaning to one side of my chair, I woke up from a feeling of being pushed back into position. I looked around and laughed. Thanks spirit 🫶🏻. Then I ate my snack, and was revived.

I’m going to have lunch now, be back later on this post.

7:17pm I’m back :)

I had some Alfredo noodles for lunch made from veggies not wheat and I just finished dinner which was grilled shrimp and chicken. Soon I’ll be having some dark chocolate for that magnesium bump. Now I’m going to go to an online ritual for the moon. Never done this before, maybe it will be fun. Tomorrow my new crystal arrives. Yay! Hope you’re having fun today…send it to my brain. First I’m going here 👇🏻.

Awe, I cried a little. Nice release.

Also, the ritual was relaxing I enjoyed that.

The air outside is fresh and brisk, and wet so smells clean. All is well and good here. Good night all. ❤️