Karma, Dharma and Strength ๐Ÿ‰

Karma, Dharma and Strength ๐Ÿ‰


So I felt an urge to mention this, was just thinking about how it is Strength year, it is also Karma year because it associated with number eight and also Saturn lord of karma who rules Capricorn and Aquarius. Think of it as being Dharma year along with year of the dragon it is going to be an extra abundant amazing year especially this spring if you are a Capricorn or Aquarius, especially if your an Aquarius Wood dragon, my eccentric visionary peeps itโ€™s your year!

Shift into that mindset, realize that all Karma is Dharma. Because you eventually get what you give, if what you give is good then you have nothing to worry about. Be nice to people and you have nothing to worry about, watch your reactions. Never lower your own vibes to match someoneโ€™s energy let them keep it. Help where you can but donโ€™t break yourself to pieces to fix someone else. We all have our own lessons to learn and that is really painful for empaths but you must!