G2 storm & Shockwave

G2 storm & Shockwave


Today‘s space weather heads up. It’s a screenshot so you can’t click the links. Go to for more.

Keep eyes peeled for a star 💥 in Corona Borealis, sound like it’s going to be photo worthy.

How are we today? I’m going to meditate now. Have a good one, I’ll be here again later. Tomorrow I’m going to attempt to stay off the internet completely, I may fail 😆. Later.

Looks questionable but is delicious…coconut crème cookie

I just came on here to show off my cookie 🤣. Also a reminder, I see you’re all a bunch of shining crystals now my fellow Cardinals: stay positive Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra, we’ve been under pressure for almost two decades don’t let Pluto retrograde scare you, we‘ve paid our dues with our blood, sweat and tears, and got really used to it. We’ve been through the worst of it. We are glowing up, coming up, bossing up and feeling alright. Stay positive babes. Looking amazing by the way, receiving your dharma 🎉 . Pluto goes into Aquarius to stay Nov 19. Sorry fixed signs Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius, it’s a long hard road, but if you bend and flex a little although uncomfortable for you and put in the work you’ll do amazing. The transformation you’ll go through and legacies created will make you so proud coming out the other end of it in 2044. Everyone else, good luck, it’s going to be awhile before we worry about the Pluto move into Pisces. Good night.

I said under pressure so I had to post the song 🤣