Uuuuup 🫴⤴️
It’s an upward climb, right now we are running after midnight 😩

Uuuuup 🫴⤴️


Hello, I’ve been so sleepy, this week so far has been a blur. It seems that the solar weather is at an all time high, which will become the new normal. Tens of M flares and now X flare, after x flare, after x flare…which means there isn’t much time between clearing the old energy and integrating light codes and it is very taxing on the body, its pretty much nonstop and happening at the same time. So we don’t have days or weeks or months to adapt into the evolution of changes our bodies are going through like previous years. Then never mind the cosmic energy look the earth weather we are being faced with, ahhh. 😂, get out your spiritual armor, and also physical armor. I am really debating on getting a helmet for tornado weather, lol. My hometown in Ohio was hit by a tornado yesterday! Crazy as it rarely happens, but it’s happening. My sleep is rocked too, been up until midnight most days, but it makes good art. Waves of energy at bizarre times of day. Woke up at 6:30am and I fell back asleep this morning at 9am until almost 11am. I’m about to have a snack then get my new crystal from the mailbox 😊.

The snack. Sahale Cashews, white chocolate, ancient grain crackers and a piece of beef jerky

…and now for the unboxing my Carnelian Druzy 🔥. Oh! I got a free amethyst cluster too, great combination of chakras and color. How cute. Also a little card amongst business cards and stuff. I love it. This is from the Etsy shop ‘Triceratory’ check it out if looking for some crystals to call your own, owner is Katie. Probably won’t see this but if you do, Thank you Katie! This was a mother’s day gift to myself in lieu of flowers. No more plants for me until I move into a house.

I’m going to go for a bit. Have a great day. Take care! Meditation time 👇🏻