What day is it?
Fresh rosemary from my yard

What day is it?


Today I woke up feeling really refreshed and happy, really good sleep. Also dare I say warm again! lol. I have been trying to remember to call my energy back every night before falling asleep, and it seems to be working. Last night I listened to 'Cellular healing meditation to heal in sleep', which can be found on my public youtube list of Mediations and sleep sounds.  I really like that one.

I do apologize about forgetting it was Tuesday yesterday. I knew at one point but failed to rememeber my Art Dump Tuesday post. I guess I was caught up in it being the 4th.  So, I'll make next weeks a good one to make up for it.

I picked a sprig of rosemary and put it with my crystals next to my work table. It is so fragrant, I love it. Nothing compares to fresh picked herbs. The yard plants and my potted plants have been doing so an amazing even though its so dry. A month into the monsoons and barely any rain yet. My gifted cactus is already starting to grow too.  Going to get another larger pot and give back the other one. Can't explain the happiness I feel to care for these things around me and feeding the birds everyday and watching the quail cheepers grow. I'm starting to feel like Snow White, only in the desert, so we'll need to add coyotes, bobcats, oryx, red foxes, jackrabbits, and roadrunners 😂.  These are things I really took for granted in the past years, and felt it more a task that should be done. But I've become so mindful I truly get into the moment and that makes all the difference.

She sings to animals and she feels better

This circular pottery in the picture below is actually a candle holder, it has a place on top where you can attach a hook for hanging. I decided to put up against Rosemary and make it a portal to another world 🤣. I kid you not I see birds go into and not come back out. It's kind of fun to think they are having an adventure somewhere else and I created their big escape. I know...weird right, I know they just go out the back.

<--The portal and roadrunner -->

Going to end this here. Subscribe if you'd like. leave a comment tell me if your are more mindful now then before, what are you enjoying that you took for granted previously. Thanks for being here. It makes my!